Welcome to my little corner of bloggy land. Here you will find a glimpse into our everyday lives as we are truly happy in the service of the King!

31 March, 2011

What's Happening

Whew! Things have been busy around here. The 20th was my Birthday! Yay for me, I'm 21 again! Because my b-day was on a Sunday, my darling husband took me out for dinner on Saturday night. On Sunday afternoon he gave me my present - a lounge chair for our deck. It is so nice and comfortable.

Isn't she the perfect model?

The next week - I'm not really sure what all happened! Thursday night we had our Kids' Night Out. Once a month my husband and I babysit for the children at the church to give the parents an opportunity to have a date. The children found some dress-up things and had a great time together. I'm not sure what they're doing in this photo, but they seem to be enjoying themselves.

Saturday we had a garage bake sale at the church. We were able to raise just over $360 for the church. I was able to bake 5 mini pumpkin breads, 30 apple-cinnamon mini muffins, 36 iced sugar cookies, and 38 iced cupcakes. At the end of the sale there were 6 cupcakes and 6 sugar cookies left. In my head I thought, "Yes! I'll use this for Sunday school tomorrow." Then someone came and wanted to buy all the baked goods that were left! Well, I went home and baked some more for Sunday school. I teach the teen girls and the last Sunday of each month I bring in some baking. They all love it. So, Saturday night I made a loaf of pumpkin bread and a loaf of coconut bread. Abby helped with the coconut and we had lots of fun together. I wish I had thought to take a picture.

Sunday was a great day at church. Our attendance has been down, but this Sunday we had 86 people in church. We had one first-time visitor, and 2 others who had visited once before and decided to come back. It was awesome to look over the auditorium and see so many people. You could tell everyone was excited by how they sang. Everyone seemed to just sing-out. It was a great day.

So far this week has been a bit slower. We've been having fun just being at home. Here are some pictures I thought you all (my Mom) would enjoy. :)

On her bike she got from Nana for Christmas.

Can you tell she loves her Daddy?

She's been standing up more and walking around the furniture.

I love my Abby-girl!


mom said...

Great pictures, She is getting so big. Love the one of her on the bike. She looks so grown up. Your deck chair looks very nice.
Love ya,

mom said...
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